Sunday 15 September 2013

Second week is in the books!

The school year already seems to be flying by. I guess time flies when you're having fun!

Students research and presented their first group project last week in ELA. Each group researched about a category of "7 Wonders".
    7 Wonders of the Ancient World 
   7 Wonders of the Modern World
7 Wonders of Canada by CBC
          7 Wonders of Saskatchewan by CBC
7 Natural Wonders of Canada
The kids had a great time learning about each wonder in their category and they all did a fantastic job teaching the class about them!
One of our math classes has been put aside to specifically work on the school's math LIP goal with increasing students math communication skills. This week students learned why it is so important to add justification to their writing, especially when they are explaining a thought. To practice this students had to take a familiar story that had all the details taken out and add their own details. We called it the "Little Red Riding Hood And Then" story. Take a look at what the students had to work with.
In Social Studies we started to look at different types of map projections. To introduce students to this we watch an episode of "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?" After a few notes students created their own "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?" route that they will have a fellow student try to catch Carmen.

In Science students read about what all living things need to survive. They are now creating a virtual terrarium with an ecosystem of their choice.


Wednesday 11 September 2013

Great 1st Week. Onto Week 2.

 What a great first week I had with my new class of grade 7s! We spent the first day going over paper work, them making stars and filling out interest inventories, setting up personal blogs and jumping into the grade seven curriculum. The students really enjoyed setting up their own blogs and practicing with writing about what they did this summer. Each student in 7B is required to write reflective blogs each week on their learning. I am really excited to get to see their perspectives of what they are learning!

We started our ecosystems unit in Science and went out to explore the different species in the schoolyard. It was such a beautiful day to get some fresh air and take a close look at what is growing and living in our back yard.

In Language Arts we started to talk about mysteries. I am reading the class Eric Walters The Mystery of the Money Pit each morning. It is a great book written by a Canadian author. By the end of the unit students will all write an original mystery. Such suspense!!

In Social Studies we have started to look at maps and the information they can tell us.
Lastly, in Math we have started to look at divisibility rules. These rules are a quick was to know if a number is divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 or 10. This week we practiced our long division skills. Do you remember how to do long division? Try these questions.

Monday 2 September 2013

Welcome 7B Grey Wolves!

Welcome to grade 7. I hope you are all really excited to start a new year (I know it was hard to get out of bed and get to school today, but it will get better). This marks the third year of the 7B Grey Wolves. If you noticed on the door your name is on a wolf paw print and at the back of the room there is a grey wolf with the title "wolf pack". This will be your name for the winter games in February.

Throughout the year you will be learning about a variety of different things such as: mixtures and solutions in science, facial reconstruction in ELA, globalization in social studies and divisibility in math. I hope that you will enjoy and find interesting most of the topics we discuss in class.
Within the 7B classroom environment I ask for students to help one another out and be civil to each other. 7B's classroom is a safe place to learn, ask questions and even make mistakes. We encourage each other to do our best and respect each member in the class (including educational assistants, substitute teachers and myself).
All of your hard work  in and outside of class, along with, having a positive attitude and showing respect, helps you get a ticket on the train to Winnipeg. This is an annual trip (21st year) where we travel by train to Winnipeg, explore Lower Fort Garry, take in a baseball game and maybe go to the zoo or museum. (check out my previous post to see what we did last year). It is a really fun trip that involves staying in a hotel room for two nights. You don't want to miss it.

Along with posts that will (hopefully) be updated regularly (I am also a student working on my graduate degree and a mom) about what we are doing in class or about a great project students have completed. There is also a Google calendar that will have due dates for assignments and other important dates. This way if you forgot to write it down in your agenda it is only a few clicks away. I also encourage 7B parents to check the blog periodically so they can see what we are up to in class.
I would like to say one last time, welcome to grade 7!